Workshop 7 – Come as you AR

With her line of futuristic AR face-filters (one called Beauty3000 amassed 300 million impressions alone), French artist and digital designer Johanna Jaskowsa (@johwska) became insta-famous virtually overnight. Now, you can be famous too: join the social media trailblazer and learn how to build and deploy a functioning Facebook/Instagram face-filter from scratch.

In this workshop you will learn:
▸ How to conceptualize, create, publish, and share an AR effect
▸ What’s possible with the Spark AR Studio tool-kit and how to use it
▸ How to use Spark AR Studio’s face tracker and the face mesh
▸ Applying and playing around with shaders on the face mesh and lights in the AR space
▸ How to upload your AR filter to Facebook/Instagram in order to make it available to everyone

Level :
▸ Beginner

Reqiurements :
▸ Laptop with (free) Spark AR Studio installed
▸ Smartphone with the Spark AR player app installed
▸ USB cable for computer-to-phone filter transfer
▸ Nice to have: an image editing software (Photoshop etc)

Host :
Johanna Jaskowska (FR)

Johanna Jaskowska is a French digital creative and designer based in Berlin. Her work is about creating new ways to interact and communicate using new technologies.

“I have worked with many different mediums and technologies. From an idea, I design and prototype through the skills I’ve learnt – and through brand new skills required to make it work. This process enhances experimentation. Good and bad surprises happen but every time a chance to innovate.”

>> Site web

>> @johwska

The workshop program was produced in collaboration with CreativeApplications.Net

